DUC IN ALTUM: A Year For Your Future is a discernment program for young adults who are between 20 and 35 years old. 

This program provides a space for discernment in a group environment, and the gift of personalized accompaniment, and identifies avenues for personal growth and service of life.

Do you want to know what is the next step to follow the will of God? Let us journey together with you. Let us “PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP” together!!

It begins every November and it takes 8 months of commitment. 

Contact Sister Hae-Jin via ducinaltumvancouver@gmail.com

DIA: A Year for Your LIFE 2022-2023 Info Sessions

Via ZOOM: 7 pm on Oct. 13 & 18, 2022 email Sr. Hae-Jin for the link.

In-Person: 7 to 8 pm on Oct. 16, 2022 at St. Matthew’s Parish in Surrey. Please RSVP.

Please come to the info session to find out more about the program and what this can offer you.

Then, you are asked to take it to your prayer to discern 

if this is something for you and if this is the right year for you.

“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. 
Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”

-St. John Paul II-